Charity is to aid those in need of help or assistance in some form.

Charity is never supposed to be given with ulterior motives. I believe everyone should always try to give what one can to charity.

Those who are in need of charity are no less worthy, their path to walk in this life is only different. Their story is filled with not only suffering but also challenges not everyone can understand or relate to.

Let us never forget those who are less fortunate.

Charity begins at home, but should not end there


Let us never forget those who lived before us. They are our teachers, they help to guide us.

There is much about life we can still learn from those who have passed on. They teach us about the things they wish they could have done differently, but also the important things in life that should not be overlooked. We must not let the sadness of our loss stop us from living, but use it as motivation to live on.

Remember that the ones we have lost never really leave us, they live on in the memories we share. We carry a part of them with us, always.

They live on in the memories we shared


To me, all people are my people.

Many of us have lost sight of our history, of who we truly are and the purpose of our life. Along the way, we chose to divide instead of unite. We started seeing each other as strangers instead of one kin.

One of the saddest sights to witness is the lack of remorse, empathy, and wanting to aid those in need. We watch as we are led astray by temptations, instead of following the rightful path. A sight that for too long has been our reality.

Let us all choose the right path and not forget to help guide those who are lost, or are struggling to find their way back. I hope that one day, we will no longer choose to live in segregation from one another. Instead, live as one people unified with a common goal. To end suffering and achieve peace and harmony among all people.

I will do what I can to help all those who need it.

I will fight for my people


Time is different for all of us, not just in length but what it means to us.

For me, time is not something I can touch, taste, hear, smell, or even see. Yet I feel the presence of time so strongly and walking closely by me.

In life we all have the choice of how we want to live, we get to choose how we want to spend our time and with whom. No one can tell us what to do, without us having a choice to do it. That is what free will is, to have it be up to one’s own choice to decide what to do when we are presented with a situation. That is why we also must take responsibility for our actions, and what could come to be a result of them.

Time is what makes life so precious, that every moment is truly unique and special. Every moment that we experience, is another moment that is now a part of one’s past. One of the most beautiful things about life is that we do not know how much time we have, we only know that one day it will be our last.

How do you want to live? How will you be remembered?
Only you can decide how these questions are answered, the answers will be a reflection of how you chose to live your life, and how you spent the time you were given.

Never forget to let the people around you know how you truly feel about them, do not have them wasting their time wondering about your feelings for them. Be honest, give the people around you peace of mind.

Never forget that time is always passing us by, it never stops and it never comes back to us. Once gone, never can it return.

Use your time wisely

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